The Preparation Group : Covid19 Statement

The Preparation Group : Covid19 Statement
We feel it’s important to keep you informed of the steps we are taking to protect the health and safety of our customers, suppliers and staff.
Following Government Guidance it is ‘business as usual’ to some extent. We will still be operating from our Head Office, Preparation House, however we will be working in a different way going forward and until situations change, we have introduced homeworking (for some staff) and manufacturing staff in the workshop are working on a rota basis. We need to ensure that we are prepared for operational recovery as soon as the coronavirus lockdown restrictions are lifted.
However, please be reassured there will be no reduction in service. In line with Government guidelines in relation to social distancing and with the introduction of scheduled office working, we are able to offer a limited collection service from a safe and secure area and strictly by prior arrangement only. However, we will be continually monitoring the situation and will update you as and when required. We can still offer direct deliveries at present for those essential parts and consumables.
We are in close contact with our clients by telephone and email, monitoring the situation and are available to discuss any current requirements or future projects.
We continue to be invited to participate in tenders and opportunities, and these submissions along with other business development activities will continue. Please send any request for proposals to and they will be answered.
We are here and ready to adapt to the changes daily , such as our training school facility as secure storage, our lorries, premises and skilled staff all ready to take on new tasks to help look after our community as we fight this war against an invisible enemy.
The Preparation Group feel the importance of adhering to Government rules on Lockdown and taking the coronavirus spread prevention measures seriously will help to minimise the lockdown period resulting in fewer delays to economic return and business recovery, but ultimately fewer illnesses and losses to our families and friends.
We wish you all safe and well in the times ahead.
Tracey Glew and Paul Igo
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